[Dixielandjazz] IAJRC Announcement of Dissolution

Charles Suhor csuhor at zebra.net
Sat Feb 3 02:37:25 EST 2018

Hello, Listmates— A few of you are likely IAJRC (International Association of Jazz Record Collectors) members. Others might have heard of the organization. The sad  announcement of dissolution below just arrived. It's not a journal for the average jazz fan but its articles mainly dealt with meticulous discographical data, personnel of innumerable bands, and other scholarly matters, but written in a reader-friendly manner. The writers were seldom university scholars but very skilled hobbyists who had the rigor of academic researchers. The journal also included some book reviews and an extremely  large section of record reviews, not just reissues but also CDs by lesser known musicians, from traditional to contemporary. There latter, frankly, seemed to me less distinctive and valuable than the unique historical materials. I first heard of the journal it many years ago when the late Gilbert Erskine, one of the cofounders of the N.O. Jazz Club and himself a model of the passionate lay expert, sent me a complimentary year's subscription. The jazz world is diminished by its passing, and I will miss it greatly.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Shelley Finke <finke724 at bellsouth.net <mailto:finke724 at bellsouth.net>>
> Subject: Important IAJRC Announcement
> Date: February 2, 2018 at 5:53:23 PM CST
> To: Shelley Finke <finke724 at bellsouth.net <mailto:finke724 at bellsouth.net>>
> Reply-To: Shelley Finke <finke724 at bellsouth.net <mailto:finke724 at bellsouth.net>>
>>  To All IAJRC Members:
>> First, may I express on behalf of the newly-elected IAJRC board of trustees our deepest appreciation for your support of the recent election effort. Voter response was impressive. We far, far exceeded our goal of 10% response. 
>> An equally huge show of gratitude goes to you who chose to renew your memberships for 2018, despite uncertain times and an unsatisfactory Journal production schedule. In the last few years we've experienced a great degree of insecurity about the viability of our group, based on a steadily dwindling membership. In spite of that, you showed what I consider extraordinary faith in our ability to bring us out of the forest and into the light. That was our hope as well, however it was short-lived.
>> On January 13th, a small contingent of the IAJRC board of trustees was able to meet in Indianapolis at the annual record bash there. Present were outgoing president Geoff Wheeler, incoming vice president Randy Stehle, re-elected secretary and 2017 interim treasurer Perry Huntoon, re-elected trustee Sally Fee and myself as incoming president. 
>> After the presentation of a dismal financial summary and outlook by Perry, it was decided that a complete board vote should be taken as to the dissolving of the IAJRC. Voting was completed on January 24th via an email submitted to our nine-member board. A total of seven in support and two opposed left us with the expected conclusion that the IAJRC as we know it will end its lifespan as of the 2018 membership period. 
>> All renewal payments for 2018 dues will be refunded. Both the Fall and Winter 2017 Journals will be published.
>> Perry Huntoon's financial summary is attached. While it was not complete at the time of our meeting, the critical information was there. We'd been aware some time that funds were running shorter and shorter each year, threatening ongoing production of the Journal. My own informal update of his totals reflects a current membership of less than 200, with approximately 450 needed to sustain costs of editing, printing and mailing the quarterly Journal. That there has been a steady decrease in total membership should come as no surprise to anyone. Despite several years of recruiting work, particularly by trustee Sally Fee, the number of new members just did not get high enough. 
>> A final and more complete financial summary, completed by our new treasurer Mark Filler, will be published in the Winter Journal. Mark is a CPA and upon looking at Perry's figures, agreed with the majority vote.
>> Dues payments for 2018 have been submitted in two ways: by written check and via the Paypal internet paying system. Each requires a different method of refunding your money, as follows:
>> 1.  PAYPAL
>> If you paid via Paypal, your dues will be refunded through the Paypal integrated system. You will receive an email notification about the refund. We will be taking care of this over the next several weeks. 
>> For those who renewed by check, we are holding ALL checks until March 10th, and offering you options for how you would like to handle their use. At the very bottom of this letter you will see a section to be filled out and returned to us (or emailed), indicating your choice of action.  Please note, if we receive no response your check will considered a donation and deposited for future use. Checks will NOT be returned. 
>> We are extremely grateful to those of you who made donations in addition to your dues payments. Several more months of lesser, continuing expenses remain in addition to the remaining Journal costs, such as monthly bank fees and postage costs. These costs will continue through the publication of the Winter Journal. 
>> With that in mind, Paypal donations made to date will remain in place and used accordingly. Those of you who added donations into your renewal checks will receive a check from the IAJRC refunding the amount of your total payment less your donation, unless you specifically request otherwise. 
>> (Additionally, we are hearing from members who have asked us to keep their renewal payments as a donation. This option also appears in the return section at the end of this letter. If you paid your dues via Paypal and would like to donate them, please notify me, Shelley Finke, personally at my email address below. All donors will be recognized by name in our final Journal.)
>> The Paypal dues payment option has been disabled. The donation option will remain for an indefinite period.
>> Naturally, there will be no further monetary awards for Best Article or any other purpose.
>> The Summer Journal began appearing in mailboxes in mid-January. The Fall Journal is currently in the end stages of assembly, prior to printing. Perry Huntoon stays in close contact with our editor and monitors progress. It's our priority to maintain the integrity of the Journal's content and appearance.
>> There has been talk among the board of making the Winter Journal a commemorative issue, with photos, history and archival materials. However this has not been discussed in detail, while we concentrate on getting the Fall issue out to members.
>> If you were planning to submit other, more typical material for inclusion in the (final) Winter Journal, you may still submit to our editor Ian Tiele. However I ask you to please send a copy to me as well at my email address below. Inclusion can't be guaranteed since the content for that issue has not yet been planned. 
>> The IAJRC has a varied inventory consisting of audio CDs, periodicals, monographs and back issues of Journals. It will take some time to decide how or where to disperse it. We hope to be able to sell in bulk to businesses or donate to worthy institutions. There will certainly be continuing requests for back issues. This is a project in progress, and we invite suggestions. 
>> I'd like to conclude on an upbeat note. Some of us are interested in seeing the IAJRC's objectives continue on and our vast member resources be made available again in an updated model. We accept that a strong internet presence is essential to restore the vitality of the IAJRC with today's collectors and to make it more inclusive.  Any funds that may remain in the IAJRC account will be retained for use in that or a similar effort. If any of you have solid input on the subject of redirecting the IAJRC, please feel free to discuss with Dick Raichelson for the time being. His email appears below. 
>> Despite this sad and, in many ways, inevitable development, we look to the future and new ways for our mission to be realized. While many have considered the IAJRC an outdated organization, your loyalty challenges that notion, making us quite a respected bunch. Nothing can diminish that.
>> With sincerest regrets and regards,
>> Shelley Wruk Finke
>> President, IAJRC
>> Randy Stehle, Vice President
>> Perry Huntoon, Secretary
>> Mark Filler, Treasurer
>> Sally Fee, Trustee (wfee at aol.com <mailto:wfee at aol.com>)
>> Dick Raichelson, Trustee (jmraich at gmail.com <mailto:jmraich at gmail.com>)
>> Tim Buchanan, Trustee
>> Mark Cantor, Trustee
>> Aaron Gangross, Registrar
>> **   Everyone is invited to meet and socialize at the Tribute to Bix Festival  **
>> March 8-11 in Racine, EWI, hosted by member Phil Pospychala
>> A hospitality room for IAJRC members will provided and hosted by Perry Huntoon
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> If you renewed by check, please complete and submit your preference by March 10th:
>> MEMBER NAME _______________________________________________
>> Submit your response to Sally Fee by email, mail or phone:
>> 46078 Galway Drive
>> Novi, Michigan 48374
>> 248-348-0746
>> wfee at aol.com <mailto:wfee at aol.com>            

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