[Dixielandjazz] Brooks Kerr

ROBERT R. CALDER serapion at btinternet.com
Thu May 11 15:26:30 EDT 2017

Very sad indeed about Brooks Kerr, as it was indeed when another holder of unique maybe now lost tapes, Dick Wellstood, died suddenly. 
Perhaps others have my experience of friends declining into one and another form of dementia, which can take an abusive form -- or turn into a gentleness or an easy-goingness not quite with it but attended by a vocabulary the immediate victim would have frowned at. Latterly in the UK publicity has been well sought referring to two members of the England football team which won the World Cup in 1966. 
And I remember among musicians Digby Fairweather conversing on air with Tommy McQuater, finely vocalising cornetist and trumpeter, about George Chisholm; and the English Fairweather asking the Scottish veteran did he and George still sing football songs when Tommy rang George, and Tommy with feeling saying that George's condition had gone beyond that.  
And what can anybody do, barring the few concerned with immediate attention, and anybody else involved with a legacy even including a tape collection which is also a living memorial. Blues for Brooks Kerr, indeed.
Robert R. Calder
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