[Dixielandjazz] Those who dislike change . . .

Gary Lawrence Murphy garym at teledyn.com
Sat Jan 25 09:26:05 PST 2014

sorry, no, email has not 'evolved' to have rich text, the text that is
carried by email has been expanded to include all sorts of things, but that
does nto change the email, it is *still* a sequence of packets delivered by
TCP/IP connections.  The SMTP protocol was formally established in 1982
with RFC 821, later modifed by RFC 2822 in 2001 mostly removing obsolete
syntax and formalizing some incremental changes and then again with RFC
5321 in 2008 which is really just a best practices guide on ways to use the
protocol in a browser environment.

but the core facility has not changed.

banjos and guitars are, in my humble opinion, much more interesting than
IETF RFC's but then no one has ever offered to pay me even half as much
money to play the banjo (or I'd be GONE man, real gone)

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 11:02 AM, <sargentdrums at aol.com> wrote:

>  <<wearing my internet-professional hat here, just let me say that
> regardless how you feel about 'new' technology, email has been
> unchanged since it's introduction in 1969,...>>
> Not true. Email has evolved to have rich text, graphic, hot links and all
> sorts of excellent new technologies.
> Ours however, has remained in 1969 with plain text only which can do
> nothing.
> <<oh, and btw, I just noticed, my slick quick popup email browser plugin
> lets me respond to emails super-easily and shows me previews of the
> message and instant alerts and all that, ...>>
> Meanwhile, it can literally take hours for a DJML email to hit the list.
> Just sayin'

*Teledyn Addendum: teledyn blogspot ca*
*eso: **EighthStreetOrchestra blogspot ca*

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