[Dixielandjazz] To All DJML Members

J McClernan mcclernan1 at verizon.net
Fri Jan 10 14:17:54 PST 2014

True enough, Jim. Too many of us sign up for services with no thought whatsoever about settings or configs, and that goes for e-mail apps too. Much of the invasiveness of such media as FB is the result of "notifications" and the like being the default setting instead of "opt-in", as it should be.
My 2ยข, fwiw.
John Mc

On Jan 10, 2014, at 10:07 AM, Jim O'Briant wrote:

Please stop blaming Facebook for things that are NOT Facebook's fault.

Ron L'Herault wrote:

> ... Facebook bombards you with tons of stuff you don't want 
> or need.  

Not if you take a few minutes to learn how to configure your Facebook
account so that you DON''T receive things you don't want or need.

For example, someone (I forget who) wrote here yesterday that their wife
gets too many Facebook notifications via email. If she doesn't want those
notifications, she can turn them off. It's not Facebook's fault if she's
left them turned on.

> Web based things, especially if free will be full of annoying adverts 
> and most likely be slow to load.

This may be true to a degree, but the speed at which things load onto your
computer are FAR more closely tied to the speed of your processor and the
speed and bandwidth of your Internet connection.

Jim O'Briant
Gilroy, CA
Tuba & Leader, The Zinfandel Stompers

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