[Dixielandjazz] Vocal Gaffes

Stephen G Barbone barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 12 14:10:35 PST 2012

Or for the jewish girl who is i love with a non jewish boy.

"Mad About The Goy".

Or the Gangster who says to his girlfriend:

"Oh You Beautiful Moll"

Or that old favorite about the child born to a sailor's  wife. He's  
been away from home for 3 years during WW 2 and returns home to find  
he has a one year old son named Benjamin. He asks his wife how this  
could possibly be and she sings: (old folks may remember this actual  
parody song from those days)

"Bennie's From Heaven"

If you don't remember that song here's a current update.  Try this one  
on your next gig Eric. <grin>

Who says old songs can't be relevant?



Steve Barbone

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