[Dixielandjazz] relationship of the 20s groups to funk.

dj outrage djoutrage at freeukisp.co.uk
Tue Jan 18 09:53:46 PST 2011

John and Sidnee Fortier wrote:
> I have been thinking about your question and probably do not have
> sufficient knowledge of jazz funk to answer intelligently.  I have
> listened to some Herbie Hancock, Sun Ra, Mizell brothers, etc. but am
> somewhat turned off by the heavy focus on arranging and the heavy
> "electronicality" of the music.  I do like the music of the 20s, even some
> of the big band stuff which is heavily arranged, although my preference is
> almost always for smaller, less arranged groups.(I feel the same way about
> the swing era, preferring Goodman and Shaw's smaller groups to their big
> bands)  Josh Duffee's band from Davenport area and Vince Giordano's
> Nighthawks represent larger bands that focus on the 20s.  I do enjoy them.
>  Would recent funk be different without the influence of the 20s,
> possibly, but am far from sure.  John F.
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I am the same way, john, small band swing is, in my opinion, some of the
best music in the world.

I was thinking more of things like james brown etc relating to the
arranged music of jelly roll morton at the start, and the big bands in the
30s, the dorcies goodman etc etc

just a thought...

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