[Dixielandjazz] Completely OT

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 14:07:25 PDT 2010

On 21 June 2010 02:18, Terence Coates <terencejcoates at att.net> wrote:
>  Even further OT:
>      I grew up in Nottingham, England and as a young man happened to attend a discussion at the Nottingham (catholic) Cathedral; one of the obviously more temperate attendees asked the priest, "Why is it, father, that immediately after mass quite a number of the congregation immediately run across the street and into the pub?">
>      Absolutely straightfacedly the answer was, "because we do not sell beer in here!"
OK, makes sense, but I wouldn't have expected a Catholic CATHEDRAL in
Nottingham (sheriffs - maybe)

Marek (who, after half a bottle of excellent Gamla Sangiovese - as
good or better than any I;ve had - made by the Israeli Golan winery,
is  NOT going to have any beer tonight)
> ________________________________

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