[Dixielandjazz] Cassettte vs. open-reel quality

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 15:57:46 PDT 2010

Of course, Cds don't hiss.  I shall not go into the question of sound
of CDs vs. analogue media again; suffice it to say that I'd rather
suffer the hiss than compress sound with Dolby - it often IMPROVES THE
sound but detracts from  quality of MUSIC.

On 20 June 2010 20:43, Roy (Bud) Taylor <budtuba at gmail.com> wrote:
> The bigger issue is the tape hiss problem.  The slower speed cassette tape
> speed will generate more than the reel to reel. Reel to Reel ran faster and
> had wider tape so had more sound signal making tape hiss less.  Also, Dolby
> compression helps a lot, so look for that I you are buying a reel to reel
> tape recorder.  Dolby compression may also be available online to process
> recordings after transfer to digital.  I don't think the tape head
> technology ever reached 20,000 Hz for home units, but that is far more than
> the human ear can hear and not a real issue.
> --
> Roy (Bud) Taylor
> Smugtown Stompers Jazz Band
> Traditional Jazz since 1958
> "we ain't just whistling dixie!"
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