[Dixielandjazz] FW: Where did it go? & where's music going

Harry Callaghan meetmrcallaghan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 11:01:19 PDT 2010

Oh, but I believe you might have slightly misconstrued my remark (or perhaps
I should have worded it differently)

There is no doubt in my mind that there is still plenty of good music
around.  My reference to "being subjected to" as it relates to the present
generation is what is crammed down their throats by these huge conglomerates
that may own a majority of radio stations in a city (and I know this is the
case in Houston, TX).

My guess would be that if there is less in the way of jazz clubs here, it is
because owners, if they have to pay a band, naturally want to crowd their
establishment with listeners and possibly dancers.

For young people to come out and hear what is being referred to here as
OKOM, they have to first hear it and know what it is, something that is
considerably lacking in the majority of commercial broadcasting these days.

You touched lightly upon music videos, that is a subject that I wish to
avoid like the plague, so will do so.


On 6/17/10, Jim Kashishian <jim at kashprod.com> wrote:
> Harry wrote:
> >But now, seeing it coming from a musician, I relate that to "straight from
> the horse's mouth", which I find most encouraging.
> People often say to me that they are enjoying the music, but don't
> "understand it".  I tell them that I'm the one that has to understand it.
> Their only job is to enjoy!
> Harry continues:
> >.... be thankful that we grew up in a time when music was really music and
> not just the noise that this present generation must be subjected to.
> There I must disagree with you Harry.  I work with all types of music in my
> studio, and I have performed all types of music in live shows, and in
> recordings.  There is some excellent music out there now, and while it
> might
> not be to our particular liking (in style), there is normally some value
> that can be attached to it.  In many cases, I am amazed at the quality of
> the sound that is being recorded, but then that is coming from the ears of
> an engineer.  Other times, I marvel at a particular instrument or voice.
> There are some electric bass lines out there that are amazing, for example.
> Granted, melody quite often takes a sideline to rhythm, which I too lament,
> but understand where (as they say now) it's coming from.
> Movement...dance...is where it's at in most of today's music.  And, of
> course, in making the video that accompanies the song work.  And, that
> brings up a completely new topic...hearing with your eyes, but I won't go
> into that now.
> Jim
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