[Dixielandjazz] Bob Hales - where are you?

Cliff Harper cliffh at tcp.co.uk
Thu Jan 21 17:59:25 PST 2010

LO listmates - forgive this general call - I'm anxious to have news of 
Bill Hales, Brit trombone player/vocalist with 'Doug Richford's London 
Jazzmen - with Nat Gonella' in the late 60s or early 70s, which band 
featured Kenny Harrison on drums and Toni Goffe on bass.  Toni is still 
around and still playing, Kenny is in NSW, Oz and has survived a nasty 
brush with 'terminal' throat cancer, which has resulted in eating probs 
but he's no longer in danger of shuffling off his mortal coil in the 
foreseeable future.  Kenny says that Bill was last seen/heard on Skype 
in April 2009 - and both Kenny and I'd be most grateful for any info.

While writing, ref. the recent exchange of opinions of Nat G's playing - 
there's a lotta his recorded tunes on Spotify (including his huge hit 
'Oh Monah!' - which was no.1 in Holland/Netherlands - and no doubt 
provided for his old age - he died when he was well into his 90s). I'm 
sure that everyone knows that Spotify is a FREE and huge resource, on 
which you'll find almost anything and anybody - except perhaps - Bill Hales

Regards and respects - and thanks for a great list - almost as 
controversial and informative (but always courteous) as the 
'Band-in-a-Box' discussion Group -


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