[Dixielandjazz] Christmas in Spain

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Tue Dec 21 12:06:01 PST 2010

Ginny wrote: 
>But sort  of "It's all over" come Dec. 26....

Yep.  The holidays go on & on & on here!  24th, as I said is a huge family
meal at night, repeated at lunch on the 25th.  Then, the 31st is again
dinner at home with extended family all together.  

None of the clubs or New Years Eve parties start until 1pm, and then go on
until dawn when everyone goes for churros (a sort of stick donut) and hot
chocolate (that is almost black it is so dark, and is very, very thick.  You
don't drink it, you dunk the churro in it).  Everyone is at their home for
the "eating of the grapes" at midnite.  A grape must be eaten & swallowed
for each ring of the midnite chime on the main clock in the main square in
Madrid which is televised for the whole country...meaning good luck if you
complete the chore.  (That little tradition was invented by a clever
marketer about 80 yrs ago who had a bumper crop of grapes!  Honest!  Most
people think it has always been around!!!) 

Jan. 1st is another family lunch, and then another of the same (with the
same crowd) is on the 5th, again at close to midnite, followed by another
huge lunch on the 6th.  That's like 6 Thanksgiving dinners in a period of
less than two weeks!

Most people get paid 14 pays in the year (their salary divided by 14 instead
of 12), and one extra pay is given before Christmas, and the other before
our annual 30 day (usually August) vacations.  I think most of the Christmas
money goes into food and drink!


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