[Dixielandjazz] Musicians Get What They Deserve.

Diann Franks swingbanjo at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 27 10:22:25 PDT 2008

Hey everybody if you google th Suncoastcoast Dixieland Society , you'll find out what's happening her in Central Florida with Dixieland.   Diann of Seminole, Fla.

Stephen G Barbone <barbonestreet at earthlink.net> wrote:  From a Craig's List Response in San Francisco.

Steve Barbone

RE: Free bands..........guess what?
Reply to: comm-657244114 at craigslist.org
Date: 2008-04-26, 11:32AM PDT

I had a bit of a disagreement with a fellow worker regarding free 
bands and why the scene, if you can call the SF music scene a scene, 
and I posted for bands to play some s*** hole for free. I even made it 
sound like a bad situation and guess f****** what? A few pros 
lambasted me for being the p**** I am, not really, I'm nice, but I 
couldn't believe how many bands offered their services....FOR FREE! I 
even had one band offer to pay. And why is the music scene in the bay 
area so sad? DUUUUUUHHHH, I dunno.

Musicians get what they deserve.
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