[Dixielandjazz] Ed Polcer benefit Jazz Concert, Sacramento
Robert S. Ringwald
robert at ringwald.com
Tue Apr 15 12:54:40 PDT 2008
AATJ (And All That Jazz) is the monthly newsletter of the Sacramento
Traditional Jazz Society.
The following is the President's message from the April, 2008 issue.
The president just happens to be list-member Bob Williams.
As you will see, he is commenting on the recent Ed Polcer concert held here
in Sacramento.
STJS President's Message
STJS President Bob Williams
from the April 2008 "And All That Jazz"
(STJS monthly newsletter)
I cleared my busy schedule of presidenting and child-rearing to attend the
"Long Live JAZZ" event on Feb. 26, featuring
Ed Polcer's East Coast All-Stars, which happened to be passing through the
area on the way to Lake Wildwood.
Nancy Giffin (also a DJML list member)
did a great job of producing this event, which was held at the
Unity Church and raised $1200 for TJYBF.
The group was outstanding.
Perhaps the highlight musician of the evening (besides
increasingly-local John Cocuzzi,
who is attempting "dual-Coast" status) was
Wycliffe Gordon, trombonist. I'm not just saying that because he plays a
cool instrument; he was
the "buzz" of the event-his playing was imaginative, tasteful, and exciting.
I could
tell he was making an impression because of all the sad looks, shaking
heads, and
paucity of eye contact from people walking past me. And despite all the
advice from my more vocal acquaintances, I've decided after some reflection
to continue
playing the trombone. I do derive considerable enjoyment from it, and it
helps pay
the bills.
Nancy did a good job of getting young people to the event by encouraging
people to donate
tickets to students, and ensuring our
TNT band had tickets.
Steve Roach , head of Jazz Studies at Sac. State, attended the event and
brought a couple of
his students to boot. Steve has been a great ally to the Education wing of
STJS, and by helping host the
Trad. Jazz Youth Band Festival
at the college, is helping us enhance our credibility in academic circles.
What I liked about this concert is that it was a showcase of traditional
jazz (perhaps
broadly defined) in the hands of competent, professional, full-time
musicians. Trad.
jazz is very democratic and can be played passably by musicians whose
talents traverse
a broad range of skill (God bless 'em-present company included, believe me.
It's encouraging, then, to have young musicians hear classic jazz played
by musicians who are also respected in the world of more general jazz. We
can more
certainly "pass the torch" when it's held by strong, capable hands.
For more info on STJS, our youth programs, concerts, and to see a picture of
Bob Williams, also a picture of Thomas Edgerton, listmate Paul Edgerton's
son with Wycliffe Gordon, see:
BTW- the concert raised $1200 for TJYBF, (Trad Jazz Youth Band Festival).
For info on our 35th annual Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, www.sacjazz.com
--Bob Ringwald K6YBV
916/806-9551 Cell
Fulton Street Jazz Band
Hear our new CD at:
"I couldn't wait for success... so I went ahead without it."
--Jonathan Winters
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