[Dixielandjazz] More Comments From Gary Kiser On His upcoming Recording

Robert S. Ringwald robert at ringwald.com
Sat Oct 20 08:48:12 PDT 2007

I was so concerned that my email would even make it to the list that I
forgot to put other details of the concerts.  So, here is the rest.

The first set the three nights was the same.  Gotta hedge the bets that
there would be something keepable for the CD.  Here is the set list
noting that the order on the CD will probably be different :

- I'll See You In My Dreams
- How Can You Face Me
- Cherokee
- Nuages
- Ballin' the Jack
- I Surrender Dear
- I Know That You Know
- Make Me a Pallet on the Floor
- Linger Awhile
- Just One of Those Things
- Love For Sale

The second set each night featured a different guest.  Nov 4 we had
Michel 'Boss' Queraud, Nov 5 we had Daniel Huck and we closed Nov 6 with
Jérôme Etcheberry (who is in Sun Valley with Bria Skonberg as I type).

The idea was to have the 11 tunes from the first set plus one tune from
each set with a guest to make a 14 tune CD.  We are in the tune
selection process now and hope to get the mix done before we leave on
tour Stateside in November.

I have gone on and on about Daniel Huck.  Not to take anything away from
Boss and Jérôme, but Daniel is a very special creature.  He is a
musician that can surprise me every time I play with him.  He is really
a must hear if you never have.

I include a second taste of our concert, but again, this is UNMIXED.  I
welcome you to listen as you wish, but keep it to this list.  Please do
not distribute this file to others.


Here Daniel take the first solo, then Pierre followed by a scat chorus
by Christian.  Then, Daniel offers a scat chorus and then the two mix it
up scatting.  By the way, Yours Truly does the vocals on this.

I don't know if this cut will make it to the CD.  Everything Daniel
recorded was hot as hot.


All the best, Gary

--Bob Ringwald K6YBV
916/806-9551 Cell
Fulton Street Jazz Band

"If you think health care is expensive now,
wait until you see what it costs when it's free"!
--P.J. O'Rourke

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