[Dixielandjazz] New Orleans Photo's

Don Ingle dingle at nomadinter.net
Mon Nov 12 08:14:24 PST 2007

Jeff: That's a tad bit poor choice of wording. Most would help you out 
if they can or want to, but when you say, "so professional prices for 
photos would not be possible this time around,"  it sounds like the same 
argument often used on professional players who are asked to play for 
free or skimpy pay. Let the owner of a photo donate if he wants, but 
don't put it as you did -- work has value in photography or music.
Sorry to nit-pick, but it would be better to just ask if someone would 
donate the photo, and leave off the part about your limited budget since 
you stand to benefit from others' work. Let the photo owner make that 
decision of his or her own worths value..
Curmudgeonly in Michigan, Don Ingle
Jeffmatthews111 at aol.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am putting a leaflet together for my band and am looking for nice jazz  
> photos, especially of New Orleans land marks. I can give credits to the the  
> photos if used. If they are in digital format that would be great or if you know  
> of a copyright free source, I would appreciate that too. Sorry my budget is  
> tight 
> Any tips for leaflet/brochure/publication material design would also be  
> appreciated by me - and perhaps others too. 
> How do you publicise your band? Word of mouth is extremely effective but  can 
> be slower. Have you come up with or seen ideas to boost this word of mouth  
> marketing? I.E: offering discounts or incentives if an audience  member brings 
> a friend to a gig next time, etc?
> Has anyone seen a source of small swing band arrangements, Benny Goodman,  
> small groups stuff, etc, which can be incorporated into a Dixie band line up.  
> Head arrangements are fine. 
> Thank you in advance for any helpful suggestions.
> Jeff Matthews
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