[Dixielandjazz] Poor Ken Burns

Mike mike at railroadstjazzwest.com
Sat May 5 11:34:59 PDT 2007

I actually like his "Jazz" documentary and I own it on DVD. My 
only complaint was that there weren't more people spoken of. I 
also own the five disc set and there too, I wish he would have 
featured more people. None of the critics would have ever 
attempted such a big project.

I haven't seen his WWII history thing but I'd love too.


Steve Barbone wrote:
> Though a monumental undertaking, the Ken Burns version of "Jazz" was roundly
> criticized by all sorts of talking heads for supposed omissions and slights.
> Now his WW II history, which airs in September is being attacked.
> It is a thankless task, being an artist/writer etc. No matter what you do,
> no matter how well you do it, some "critic" is bound to take you to task.
> Ain't it a bitch, being a doer?
> Cheers,
> Steve Barbone

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