[Dixielandjazz] Was that a chicken joke?

Dan Augustine ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Jan 29 15:18:36 PST 2007

     Oh.  I haven't seen that movie in 50 years (when i was 14).

>From: "pat ladd" <pj.ladd at btinternet.com>
>To: "Dan Augustine" <ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu>
>Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 23:04:37 -0000
>Cc: jazz <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
>Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Was that a chicken joke?
>Guess you must be one of the newer guys.>>
>Get with it Dan,  THAT  is a quote from High Society, Crosby to Sinatra..
>you know the scene, in the library....what a swell party... aw... c`mon..
>you can`t be that  young.
>Correction  NOT `newer guys,  `newer fella`s`  Sorry about that.
>Pat  :-)

**  Dan Augustine  --  Austin, Texas  --  ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
**  "Is a Jack higher than an Ace or smaller than a Spade?"
**  "It's both, leastwise it's mostly." -- OK, who said that?

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