[Dixielandjazz] Re: "Freakin' at the Freakers Ball"

Fr M J (Mike) Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Sun May 7 02:28:58 PDT 2006

>>Matter of fact, the whole Turk Murphy Jazz Band (with Maihack on tuba) is
> on that cut (Freakin' at the Freaker's Ball)..........and..........such
> notable Uncle Shelby tunes as "I Got Stoned", "I Saw Polly in a Porny",
> "Sarah Stout", and my favorite -"Thumbsuckers!"<
> OK yous blokes,
> How about letting us for-in-ars and out-sydars in on what yous are all
> talkin' about?     
> 8>) 
> FULL details please.
> None of what is being discussed so far makes much sense.
> Nor does any of it appear in my jazz discographies.
> Kind regards,
> Bill. 

OK, y'alls, here's about all there is (beyond emailing Jim Maihack for 
the same sort of info [and much more of it, as I've long since forgot 
most of it!]):

> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00000JWDB/qid=1146993799/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/103-0902308-2293421?s=music&v=glance&n=5174

And the reason, dear Mr Haesler, that it doesn't "appear" anywhere, is 
because Turk's involvement was a gift, as it were (ie, no data appears 
on the original album).  I do recall, from Mr Maihack, that it was a 
matter of much consternation that Turk would turn town totally 
legitimate gigs based upon the tone of the requestor's voice on the 
phone, but accept such gigs as Silversteins based upon little or no 
investigation!  Ah, well:  call it material for collectors!,

Fr M J (Mike) Logsdon, Vicar-general
North American Old Roman Catholic Church (Utrecht Succession)
Archdiocese of California

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