[Dixielandjazz] opening a can of worms

Bill Gunter jazzboard at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 15 22:00:18 PDT 2006

Hello listmates,

Ginny (Gluetje1 at aol.com) writes:

>U.S. citizens  know less
>about the rest of the planet than the citizens of any other  nation--if one
>compares citizens of equivalent education and intelligence.

May I point out two things:

1.  This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with OKOM

2.  U.S. Citizens know more about the rest of the planet than the citrizens 
of any other nation--if one compares citizens of equivalent education and 

(I'd be happy to cite sources providing Ginny will do the same.)

And Cees Van den Heuvel writes:

>I found out there's
>a lot of  unjustified patriotism in the U.S.A. I think the level of jazz in
>Europe is  much higher than in the U.S.A. Most bands in Europe
>are just superiour to  U.S.A.-bands.

And where, pray tell, does one find this information?  If you'll pardon the 
expression, such sweeping generalizations are total bullshit.

Furthermore, my old man can beat up your old man!!

Respectfully submitted,

Bill "Where do you people come up with this crap?" Gunter
jazzboard at hotmail.com

ps - I'd be happy to cite sources providing Ginny and Cees will do the same.

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