[Dixielandjazz] Re: New Trumpets/Cornets?

Dan Augustine ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Apr 19 07:53:04 PDT 2006

Elazar & DJML--
     Well, Elazar ol' Austin buddy, if you're going to be in Phoenix 
and are looking for horns, it might pay you to traipse down to Tucson 
(only 118 miles, or an hour the way Phoenix drivers drive) to one of 
the places every musician ought to see: The Chicago Store (don't ask, 
i don't know why it's called that).
     Back in June of 2004 i sent an email about this place, but i 
don't recall if you ever got down there.  Here's what i wrote:

     The place is called The Chicago Store, and it's in Tucson, right 
downtown. They have a website at: 
http://www.chicagomusic-musicland.com/welcome.htm and their physical 
address is: 130 E. Congress; Tucson, AZ  85701; phone: (520) 622-3341.
     To appreciate the store's stock and flavor fully, you really have 
to go there in person and talk with the owner and staff and poke 
around in the instrument-rooms.  They have an incredible number of 
brass instruments in a big attic on the third floor, including tubas 
and sousaphones, sometimes lying incestuously on top of one another 
on the floor .  The owner apparently keeps all the prices on 
everything in the store in his head, but i think the staff sometimes 
will write the price he says on a tag and stick it on the instrument 
in some cases.

     Also, i believe DJML-listmate Dave Bilgray lives in Tucson, so he 
might also have some ideas about places to buy horns, or places to 
hear jazz in Arizona.
     Plus, Joe Hopkins lives in the Phoenix area and may be chiming in 
with local OKOM events. But check the AZ Classic Jazz Society website 
at http://www.azaclassicjazz.org/.

>From: "Ministry of Jazz" <jazzmin at actcom.net.il>
>To: <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
>Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 06:58:34 +0200
>Subject: [Dixielandjazz] New Trumpets/Cornets?
>Hello again,
>I am looking for 2 horns to purchase:
>Trumpet: a student of mine wants to buy himself a new American made horn
>that is professional quality in its construction, appearance and tone
>quality. His budget is $500 to $1000. Prefers brass or gold finish.
>Cornet: As fate would have it, I am playing most of my paid gigs on cornet,
>using a silver Amati horn I picked up in Prague in a pawn shop for $100.
>I've decided it's time to treat myself to a new horn, or a refinished one
>that is in like new condition. I'd like to keep it under $500. silver or
>gold/brass finish is OK. (I'm tracking a couple of these on eBay, but have
>not managed to snag one yet.)
>Anyone have such horns for sale, or know of a good store in LA or Vegas
>where I can compare and find good prices? Or a good internet site?
>Part of the problem with eBay is that I don't know beans about model numbers
>and which horns are high or low end from any particular maker.
>Thanks a million,
From: "Ministry of Jazz" <jazzmin at actcom.net.il>
To: <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 06:58:33 +0200
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] OKOM events along my route?

Shalom Jazz Fans,
It's travel time again as I must head to the US for a few weeks, departing
30 April. Can anyone let me know if there are any OKOM events I should know
about along my route? I'll be in:

Phoenix		May 3-4
Las Vegas		May 5-9
LA		May 10-17
near Charlotte NC	May 18-20

I am happy to either listen or play along, whatever works. I expect to be
carrying a banjo and cornet.
Hoping to meet some new friendly faces and hear or make some good music.
Elazar Brandt

**  Dan Augustine  --  Austin, Texas  --  ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
**     "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid
**      than to open it and remove all doubt."  --  Mark Twain

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