[Dixielandjazz] obscure tunes

Hal Vickery hvickery at svs.com
Mon Jun 13 21:07:30 PDT 2005

I heard this band on April 30 on Chuck Schaden's "Those Were the Days" radio
program, which was celebrating it's 30th anniversary on the air.  The did a
recreation of what a Coon-Sanders broadcast from the Blackhawk Restaurant
might have sounded like in 1929.  Although they had fewer pieces than Coon
and Sanders, it was a good representation of what the band sounded like.  I
highly recommend them.

Another good band of that style I heard last year at the Elkhart (IN) Jazz
Festival is the Crazy Rhythm Hot Society Orchestra.  At eleven pieces, they
were much closer to the size of a big dance band from the late '20s/early
'30s time period.  They played both "sweet" and "hot" in the set I saw them
and were pretty darn good.  They will be appearing again at Elkhart June

Hal Vickery

-----Original Message-----
From: dixielandjazz-bounces at ml.islandnet.com
[mailto:dixielandjazz-bounces at ml.islandnet.com] On Behalf Of Snogpitch
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 10:56 PM
To: dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com
Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] obscure tunes

Last weekend I saw West End Jazz Band.  Here is what their own website (
http://www.westendjazzband.com/ ) says about themselves:

Our specialty is playing the music of the 1920s and 1930s in a hot dance
style.  Hot Dance can be described as playing songs of the day in written
arrangements with small solo spots for the various instruments.  The melody
gets passed among the instruments as part of the arrangement.  We also play
a number of straight dance tunes that reflect the ³sweet² style of the
music, as well as some of the rare and obscure jazz tunes from the 1920¹s.

I enjoyed it, but then again, I like 20's music, and some of the tunes I had
heard before.  They had several CD's for the audience to purchase, and it
was like a shark feeding frenzy during the break.  It was definitely not
what I would call Dixieland, but it was good in it's own way.

On 6/13/05 10:46 PM, "Steve barbone" <barbonestreet at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Because they're to damn busy playing sissified OKOM like "My Canary's Got
> Circles Under His Eyes" and other obscure tunes that are obscure today
> because they weren't any good the first time around either.
> All in order to fool the aging audience that this is indeed, "Artistic
> Dixieland." Yessir, play that tune that nobody's ever heard before. You'll
> get a rep for brilliance. :-) VBG.
> Cheers,
> Steve Barbone  


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