[Dixielandjazz] Ron Gamble -short bio.

Ron Gamble rgamble at ripnet.com
Fri Jul 4 15:05:40 PDT 2003

Super short bio.
-better late than never-

Ron Gamble

generally a lurker
not a musician but play some piano
- started after I retired 10 years ago
'- have some arthritus (who doesn't) and believe the piano is theraputic
'   -could only play for 30 min. at start but now can play for an hour
have a Kurzweil Mark 12 digital piano

live just West of Brockville Ont, -in the beautiful  1000 islands area
'- orignially from Montreal, Que. came up here to work for DuPont, Canada
' - am a retired Mech. Engineer

enjoy OKOM including dixie and ragtime

collect CDs,  LPs., 78s,  45s, cassettes
do some burning of old LPs, 78s for friends and self
a need here - many people still have records but no turntable to play them

belong to Kingston Jazz Society, Brockville Jazz Society,
Grand Int. Jasstime Ragtime Society (Toronto)
Jazzology Record Collecting (New Orleans)
Canadian Antique Phonograph Society (Toronto)

attend nearby jazz concerts festivals as much as possible
and encourage others to attend

thoroughly enjoy following the jazz scene om DJML  although my input is
have met some of the members at  concerts and  festivals
and always enjoy the humour - pass on the musical jokes to jazz friends on
the net
have gleaned info. on the list - CDs to buy , books to buy or read..

see you in cyberspace
Ron Gamble
rgamble at ripnet.com

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