[Dixielandjazz] Chord Averaging

Schnabbels@aol.com Schnabbels@aol.com
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 23:04:04 EDT

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Dear Bill and Listmates,

Thank you for this wonderful gift, enabling those of us who are seriously 
concerned with enhanced performance of OKOM. In fact I tried out your new 
system on my washboard to-night. Since I do not own a washboard, I 
substituted my washer and, I am sure, you will be delighted to know that your 
new system worked perfectly on high spin. For tunes that have weird bridges, 
I also found out that my drier is able to handle that.

This is another fine example of the sort of thing that your fine left brain 
can come up with when it has nothing better to do. Fortunately, you were 
complemented by Gary Church's right brain, which made this all possible.

Speaking of Gary, he is currently making the West Coast unsafe for those who 
do not like excellent cornet players. Gary is being inducted in the Western 
Swing Hall of Fame in Sacramento, as we speak, will play a festival with 
Desert City Six in, I believe, in either Portland or Vancouver, and will also 
make a stop in San Francisco.

Gary's return to the Phoenix area has been a blessing. Not only is he a 
wonderful cornet player but also because of his personality and generosity 
towards local OKOM players, he is single-handedly responsible for a 
renaissance of OKOM here in the "Valley of the Sun".

Cases in point:

The weekly gig at the "Jet Lag Lounge" is a hit. Joe Hopkins (cl, ld) plays 
with a quartet (Gary, cn, Danny Shannon, bs, Bob Beck, dr) but because the 
music is that good, everybody else shows up to sit in. Usually, we have a 
full six- or seven-piece Dixieland band going!

Thanks to Gary, I have now two solo piano gigs/week. I am getting paid for 
practicing and expanding my repertoire"!

Gary sold me his tenor ("Condon") guitar. He is convinced that I can learn to 
play this thing. It is a Kalamazoo (Gibson) and it looks just like Eddy's 
guitar on the1950's album covers. So I hope that, within the not too distant 
future, I will be sporting a butterfly tie, part my hair in the middle, when, 
in a cold cheap hotel room, I will throw a few extra light bulbs on the fire, 
and, when I have a cold, I will cure it by drinking the fresh-squeezed juice 
of a quart of whiskey (or was it a fifth?).

I just turned 62 but, believe me, there is hope.


Rob "and here thought I just played the trombone" van der Plas
Scottsdale, AZ

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">Dear Bill and Listmates,<BR>
Thank you for this wonderful gift, enabling those of us who are seriously concerned with enhanced performance of OKOM. In fact I tried out your new system on my washboard to-night. Since I do not own a washboard, I substituted my washer and, I am sure, you will be delighted to know that your new system worked perfectly on high spin. For tunes that have weird bridges, I also found out that my drier is able to handle that.<BR>
This is another fine example of the sort of thing that your fine left brain can come up with when it has nothing better to do. Fortunately, you were complemented by Gary Church's right brain, which made this all possible.<BR>
Speaking of Gary, he is currently making the West Coast unsafe for those who do not like excellent cornet players. Gary is being inducted in the Western Swing Hall of Fame in Sacramento, as we speak, will play a festival with Desert City Six in, I believe, in either Portland or Vancouver, and will also make a stop in San Francisco.<BR>
Gary's return to the Phoenix area has been a blessing. Not only is he a wonderful cornet player but also because of his personality and generosity towards local OKOM players, he is single-handedly responsible for a renaissance of OKOM here in the "Valley of the Sun".<BR>
Cases in point:<BR>
The weekly gig at the "Jet Lag Lounge" is a hit. Joe Hopkins (cl, ld) plays with a quartet (Gary, cn, Danny Shannon, bs, Bob Beck, dr) but because the music is that good, everybody else shows up to sit in. Usually, we have a full six- or seven-piece Dixieland band going!<BR>
Thanks to Gary, I have now two solo piano gigs/week. I am getting paid for practicing and expanding my repertoire"!<BR>
Gary sold me his tenor ("Condon") guitar. He is convinced that I can learn to play this thing. It is a Kalamazoo (Gibson) and it looks just like Eddy's guitar on the1950's album covers. So I hope that, within the not too distant future, I will be sporting a butterfly tie, part my hair in the middle, when, in a cold cheap hotel room, I will throw a few extra light bulbs on the fire, and, when I have a cold, I will cure it by drinking the fresh-squeezed juice of a quart of whiskey (or was it a fifth?).<BR>
I just turned 62 but, believe me, there is hope.<BR>
Rob "and here thought I just played the trombone" van der Plas<BR>
Scottsdale, AZ<BR>