[Dixielandjazz] FW: DVD& sound, quality, etc.

James Kashishian kash@ran.es
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 23:14:09 +0200

Jim Beebe wrote:
I find that DVDs are somewhat 
handier than tapes but the blather that they are better picture and
than tapes is pure bull.

Funny, as I had a similar conversation this am with another sound
engineer, but discussing sound (ie, 24 bits vs. 16, etc.)  I have A/B
compared to no lengths, in a specially designed studio, these two
formats, and can't even count on a 50% correct choice between each one,
even when it is my own trombone recorded on a $10,000 microphone in a

The conversation occurred due to the fact that the other guy wanted to
rent a gadget called an Apogee AD-8000 to pass his final mix from his
digital mixer to a 16 bit DAT recorder.  I convinced him that he
wouldn't hear a difference in the final mix on the DAT.  I will either
go to heaven for my honesty, or win a Browny point, depending on each
person's individual belief.  Either way, I'm a tiny bit less rich this
evening due to my compelling speech, and my AD-8000 sits unused on the

All the specs, diagrams, etc., can prove that...yes!, it's better, all
of this 24 bit jazz.  Same goes for DVD, I'm sure.  But....and, this is
a big, BUT;  the reproduction equipment available to the general public,
the listening/viewing conditions available, etc., don't give the final
consumer an actual, recognizable difference.

Then, comes the professionals argument.  Yes, we must (for example, in
the audio field) make sure that the original recording/mix is to the
highest degree of excellence possible, even though the final product is
going to be listened to/heard on the most basic of
equipment.....usually.  A valid argument, but doesn't concern the
general listener.  

I recording our next CD (soon to be released) at 24 bits, as I had the
equipment available to do it.  I wouldn't have bothered, otherwise,
believe me.  I immediately dropped it down to 16 bits onto the editor to
save hard disk space, so the only advantage I have is that someone could
one day decide that The Canal Street was a band that should be
remembered, and bring out the same recording again at 24 bits on a
DVDRAMSUPERBOPPERTHINGAMAGIG, or what ever they invent to supersede what
we use today to reproduce music. 

In my opinion, if it's a great song, performed extremely well, than...be
it a 24 bits or 16 bits, etc. is going to make little difference.  And,
if it's crap recorded at the best of the best, than it's still crap,
only heard a little clearer. 

So, excellence is in the creation/performance area, and the rest is
frosting on the cake, at the levels of technology generally available
today.  Enjoy your video, or enjoy your DVD.  Enjoy your 24 bit audio
recording (which has been dithered down to 16 bits by hook or crook at
the final stage), or your old LP, with all it's Rice Crispies
FX......It's the creative art that counts.
