[Dixielandjazz] Doubling bass - Buddy Apfel
Dan Augustine
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:23:13 -0500
Well, i swan. I'm from Carson City (kind of); went to highschool there in the 1950's and college in Reno in the 1960's and played tuba there.
I'm copying my friend Randy Jensen in Reno with this note, as he plays a mean tuba himself and is the top piano-tuner and -rebuilder in the area. Randy knows all the local musicians and bands (he and i played in the Reno Municipal Band--a Union gig, if you can believe it--from the early 1960's on). Maybe Randy can talk with Buddy and see if there are any bands that might need such a good player. How about it, Randy? Any ideas?
>From: Charlie Hull <chhull@pacbell.net>
>Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Doubling bass - Buddy Apfel
>Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 11:58:30 -0700
>Buddy and his lovely spouse, Sue, are living and working in Carson City,
>Nevada, withing gig-drive distance of Tahoe and Reno. He's a solid player
>on both bass and tuba. In the six wonderful years he played with my K
>Street Ramblers, he was never stumped on a standard tune. With all his road
>experience, he knew them all -- any key.
>I haven't talked with him since the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee and don't know
>if he's hooked up with a band yet, but he certainly should be.
>Charlie Hull
** Dan Augustine - ds.augustine@mail.utexas.edu **
** Office of Admissions, University of Texas; Austin, Texas **