[Dixielandjazz] Band Dress
Russ Guarino
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 12:15:15 -0700
My reaction to a poorly dress band that plays great is....
They play great, but, they look like heck.
Russ Guarino
Nancy Giffin wrote:
> Don Ingle <dingle@baldwin-net.com> wrote:
> >> Nancy:
> >> Let me see if I have you correct...you would not pay to hear a great band
> >> if the players were dressed in tee shirts, correct?
> Dear, dear Don,
> No need to flame your aura red on my account, my good man. And no, you do
> not have me correct. Sorry. If you've read Barbone's edited version of my
> comment, I can understand the irritation.
> My full statement was: "On principle: I don't want to pay to see a great
> band dressed in t-shirts (or worse!) any more than I want to go to a fine
> restaurant and eat off paper plates." A statement of preference.
> I WILL PAY GOOD MONEY to see a great band dressed in clown suits, if that's
> what they choose to wear. Still, I'm entitled to have a preference for
> something classier.
> This discussion arose out of talk on BAND IMAGE and PLEASING YOUR AUDIENCE
> (the folks who keep you in business).
> JIM BEEBE said: "When jazz groups started emulating rock groups, that killed
> off a lot of interest in jazz, IMHO."
> As a general rule, I think it's nice if the performers are better dressed
> than their audience.
> Love and humble hugs,
> Nancy
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