[Dixielandjazz] Watch our Bohém Ragtime & Jazz Festival live this weekend!

Tamás Ittzés ittzes.tamas at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 00:03:25 EDT 2020

Hi all,

It's been ages since I last wrote to DJML. The reason that I am writing
again is to happily announce that we succeeded to keep classic jazz live
and alive in Hungary in spite of the COVID situation and our 29th Bohém
Festival postponed from March will be held this weekend. You can watch the
whole program live at

*www.bohemragtime.com/online <http://www.bohemragtime.com/online> *

Having been an international festival for 28 years, now we have to present
an event with domestic performers only due to the travel restrictions
during the "COVID era". But some of the very best Hungarian bands and
musicians will be featured, so I hope that many of you will stay tuned. We
start on the 23rd of October, so this Friday at 7 pm (Central European Time
/ 6 pm in London, 1 pm in New York, 10 am in Los Angeles

Here is the exact schedule for the whole weekend:

*Oct 23, Friday 19.00-22.20 CET (1pm-4.20pm EDT, 10am-1.20pm PDT)*

*Friday night gala: Female Voices*19.10-20.30: Bohém Ragtime Jazz Band
(vendégek: BOLBA Éva voc, KORB Attila tp/tb/bs, MUDRÁK Mariann voc, SZALÓKY
Béla tp/tb/ss)
21.00-22.20: MICHELLER Myrtill: The Great American Swingbook

*Oct 24, Sat 11.00-12.45 CET (5am-6.45am EDT, 2am-3.45am PDT)*
*Piano Show: *BARTHA Mátyás & Bohém Trio

*Oct 24, Sat 15.00-16.45 CET (9am-10.45am EDT, 6am-7.45am PDT)*
*Chamber Jazz: *Frank Rosolino Project (KORB Attila tb, SZALÓKY Béla tb,
BARTHA Mátyás p, TÓTH István Jr sb, RICHTER Ambrus dr)

*Oct 24, Sat 19.00-22.20 CET (1pm-4.20pm EDT, 10am-1.20pm PDT)*

*Saturday night gala: Quintets*19.10-20.30: Papp Mátyás & his Gang
21.00-22.20: PapaJazz

*Oct 25, Sun 10.00-13.00 CET winter time (5am-8am EDT, 1am-4am PDT)*
*Closing concert, jam session: *musicians of the Bohém Ragtime Jazz Band,
Papp Mátyás & his Gang, PapaJazz (BARTHA Mátyás p, BERA Zsolt tb, CSEH
Balázs dr, DENNERT Árpád cl/sax, FALUSI Alfréd dr, HEGEDÜS Csaba bj/g,
ITTZÉS Tamás p/vl, LEBANOV József tp, MÁTRAI Zoltán cl/sax, PAPP Mátyás
tb/tp, RICHTER Ambrus dr, SIDOO Attila g, SOÓS Márton sb, TÓTH István Jr
sb, TÖRÖK József tu/sb)

Very best regards,

Ittzés Tamás
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