[Dixielandjazz] nueva canción para "La Canal"

Ling, Andy Andy.Ling at grassvalley.com
Mon Jun 8 05:31:35 EDT 2020

Nicely done Jim. I'm sure your fans will love it.

If you've got time, I'd be interested in a brief description of how you went about recording it. Did you each play to a click track or did you have a simple backing track to play along to? Presumably you had the arrangement all planned out, but it must be difficult not being able to react to what other players are doing.


Andy Ling

From: jim at kashprod.com [mailto:jim at kashprod.com]
Sent: Sun 07 June 2020 11:26
To: Ling, Andy <Andy.Ling at grassvalley.com>
Cc: Dixieland Jazz Mailing List <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Dixielandjazz] nueva canción para "La Canal"

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Here's a link to a video we just put up on YouTube of a new song (for us) we put together.  Of course, we weren't "together" as we are still under restrictions in Madrid, but I think it came out quite well.  A tune made famous by the Beatles, although it was a hit before they did it.  Our version may not be a worldwide hit, but our fans should enjoy it, once we are able to get back to performing together.

"You´re Sixteen":  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PABOoM59iws<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=PABOoM59iws__;!!B_EDKQmmvsU!7HEMQiRAiIfRlSgu3nniQNbm0ol-M8hcZUcwMVgi8aBssMVGJLJNXpD6QxVNXMo3E5oj$>


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