[Dixielandjazz] Hello ???

Tony Davis tony at tony-davis.co.uk
Thu Jul 19 08:25:07 EDT 2018

It's very kind of you to say so, Marek.  I've always tried to have a 
professional attitude, and I've paid my dues to the MU for 40 years, but 
(fortunately) I've never had to rely on my earnings from music alone.



On 18/07/18 20:45, Marek Boym wrote:
> Seems an understatement when you say it of yourself, Tony. I've heard 
> you a few times over the  years, and you always sounded a seasoned pro.
> Cheers,
> Marek
> On 18 July 2018 at 17:27, Tony Davis <tony at tony-davis.co.uk 
> <mailto:tony at tony-davis.co.uk>> wrote:
>     Certainly true for trumpet players.  I don't practise every day,
>     but I know that if I miss more than one day I'll regret it, and
>     have to work harder next time I pick up the horn.
>     I was introduced to Doc Cheatham once, at the Nice festival in the
>     mid-1980s.  I said "I'm only a semi-pro".  He replied "I'm just a
>     semi-pro myself". What an understatement!
>     Tony
>     On 17/07/18 22:30, Ron L'Herault wrote:
>>     Doc Cheatham subbed for Tony Pringle in the New Black Eagle Jazz
>>     Band a few times which gave me a nice opportunity to chat with
>>     him.  One of the  things he mentioned was his feeling that as
>>     long as one could stay healthy enough to keep practicing, you
>>     could keep playing.  Practice was key.  Even a short layoff can
>>     be hard to come back from as one ages.  He opined that this is
>>     what happened to Louis Armstrong.  He got too ill to practice and
>>     maintain his embouchure.
>>     Ron L
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