[Dixielandjazz] Si Tu Vois Ma Mere

Charles Suhor csuhor at zebra.net
Sun Dec 16 15:10:49 EST 2018

Tony, now you've gone and found a chink the armor of my favorite jazz listmate/wizard. What's next—there is no Santa Claus? a bear doesn't shit in the woods? Noooooooo.


> On Dec 16, 2018, at 1:59 PM, Bill Haesler <bhaesler at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
>> As you've probably realised by now, you didn't provide a link to a site with different lyrics from the ones that Lucienne Delyl sings; you erroneously repeated the same link Kevin gave us.  No doubt you'll rectify this - but I'm confused by the fact that Jean Marc Ternois states that Jean Broussolle did write the lyrics sung by Delyl.  Who is right?  Or were both sets of lyrics written by Brousolle?
> Good morning Tony,
> Thank you for pointing that out, I was having problems juggling the links.
> The Broussolle and Delyle French/English lyrics are different.
> Or, so I believe.
> And there are certainly two.
> The original (sheet music) from 1952/58 and another lot (recording) in 1960/62.
> Now that Jean Marc Ternois has entered the discussion, we should be able to solve this one.
> Attempting to google translated French sources yesterday was unproductive and a waste of time.
> My French is non-existant. As I found out, when there in 1976.  <big grin>
> I will rewrite it all later today..
> Cheers,
> Bill.

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