[Dixielandjazz] Wally Fawkes a birthday greeting

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 15:22:51 EDT 2017

Since Robert reacted off-list, so did I reply.  I do not think that Semple
was quite in the same class.
As to Acker, I have a soft spot for him - his band was the first western
band I had ever heard.  The huge People's Hall in Wroclaw was all sold out,
and thousands somehow sneaked in.  First to play  was a pretty good Polish
band (Drążek i Pięciu) and then Acker Bilk and His Paramount Jazz Band came
on stage, and it became a bedlam!   Something like the Elvis Presley shows
at the time or the Beatles later on.  Jackets, purses, scarves and what not
went in the air - it was plain crazy!
Years later Acker remembered his Polish tour.  I spoke to him in Edinburgh
in 1992 - I was invited to the lounge because a friend tipped Bilk that
someone who heard him in Poland was in the audience; he was still excited
after all these years.  So I am not going to rate Acker.
Yes, I love the Ians (for non-British listmates - Christie and Wheeler),
and a few others, too many to mention.
Still, at least as far as my ears tell me, none is in the same category.
Danny Polo was not British, and I was discussing British all-time giants.

On 24 June 2017 at 20:51, Steve Voce <stevevoce at virginmedia.com> wrote:

> You shouldn't leave out the great Archie Semple, and Acker Bilk was ten
> times the jazz musician your pal Cy Laurie was! Not to mention any of the
> fine modern clarinettists or the extremely skilled Sid Phillips. There are
> many more in your field, of course, who it would pain to omit - Christie,
> Turner, the ci-devant Danny Polo....
> But don't let us start making lists again. It's non-productive, like stamp
> collecting.
> Steve Voce
> On 24/06/2017 17:40, Marek Boym wrote:
> Robert Calder has just reminded me of another British clarinettist
> deserving inclusion in the "a;; tome greats" roster Sandy Brown.
> Unfortunately I found no Jem's in my fridge, so I sttled for Jopen's (it's
> pronounced Yopen) Koyt Gruitbier, only 8.5% abv.
> Cheers
> On 24 June 2017 at 18:18, Marek Boym <marekboym at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sure,
>> Cy was a Dodds' man.  Whether he was or was not as good is difficult to
>> tell, as his sound, in particular in his later years, was different.  As
>> impassioned as Dodds', yes, but different.  In his later years Cy played
>> lots of music which was quite removed from New Orleans.
>> But de gustibus, etc... After all, this is not our only disagreement
>> regardsing music, which is all right with me.
>> Yes, I did know about Dodds' son - what a change from the WW1 days, when
>> an American Negro could fly for France but not for his own country!  Good
>> to know that at least some things change for the better.
>> Cheers (going to have Jem's 8.8)
>> On 24 June 2017 at 16:07, Steve Voce <stevevoce at virginmedia.com> wrote:
>>> I agree, Maryk, that Wally is one of the clarinet greats. His work in
>>> solo and in ensembles with Humph was sublime. He was also, until his sight
>>> deteriorated, one of the greatest cartoonists. Cricket is one of his great
>>> joys in life, and he and his wife Sue have separate television sets in the
>>> same room. Wally has to sit very near to and watch the set from an oblique
>>> angle, whilst Sue sits at a normal distance from hers and views it from a
>>> normal angle.
>>> Cy Laurie, on the other hand, was a nutter who genuinely believed that
>>> he was the reincarnation of Johnny Dodds. He might have got away with that
>>> if he had been as good as Johnny Dodds, but unfortunately he was only as
>>> good as Cy Laurie. Did you know, incidentally, that Johnny Dodds's son  had
>>> a full career as an airline pilot?
>>> Steve Voce
>>> On 24/06/2017 13:20, Marek Boym wrote:
>>> Wally Fawkes!  A perennial favourite of mine ever since I first heard
>>> the early Humph band, when dad brought me the "Humph's Blues" EP back in
>>> 1959.  I have since acquired quite a few Wally Fawkes (and Humph)
>>> recordings, including "It seems Like Yesterday" (it doesn't).  I bought
>>> SOS' "That's the Blues, Old Man" and later, unlike my wont, the Lake
>>> reissue of the three Fawkes albums on SOS when the other two LPs were no
>>> longer available (I could not afford them at the time of issuance).  And
>>> more.  Only not the Troglodytes - I have one second hand EP, but so far I
>>> haven't seen any LPs of the group; I have, however, The Neo-Troglodytes.
>>> I consider Fawkes one of the all time clarinet grates (all the others,
>>> with the exception of Cy Laurie, being American).
>>> Cheers
>>> On 24 June 2017 at 00:22, ROBERT R. CALDER <serapion at btinternet.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Wally the great clarinetist has it seems turned 93 ...
>>>> I was reminded in the non-political mailing linked to below
>>>> The cartoon can be appreciated with another face in the place of the
>>>> one shown.
>>>> Too many faces, to be sure,
>>>> and not Ruby Braff, Wally's caricature of whom nearly sent Kenny Davern
>>>> into orbit.
>>>> WHO DID THIS? Search Google Images for more delights
>>>> https://shirazsocialist.wordpress.com/2017/06/23/wally-trog-
>>>> fawkes-master-of-the-political-cartoon-and-the-jazz-clarinet/
>>>>  and a lovely feller is Wally altogether !
>>>> Robert R. Calder
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