[Dixielandjazz] swing dancer's party

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Sun Jul 3 12:12:29 EDT 2016

We've have just played a second Swing Dancer's Party, both in the last two
weeks.  Jam packed dance club (about 200), mainly kids in their 20's.  We
played from 11pm to 1pm.  I've put two short videos up on our Facebook
page....  Canal Street Jazz Band, if anyone wishes to see/hear a bit of the
action.  There's a 3rd video just below those two that was taken a few years
back at the same dance place....older crowd & not doing all the Swing stuff.

Just been contacted for another gig at the end of September, so hopefully
this will roll into being another branch of possibilities for our band.
Playing for dancing creates new restrictions of course, mainly on tempos &
duration of our songs.  A bit more strain on me, the one in the band that
chooses the songs & tempos.  Still, it's great to see the kids enjoying the
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