[Dixielandjazz] Abby Hübner

Woodlanders woodlanders at free.fr
Mon Feb 29 17:30:14 UTC 2016

Check http://www.abbihuebner.de/ and you will learn everything you've 
always wanted to know about abbi Hübner, and never dared to ask...

Le 29/02/2016 17:54, William ♫ Sharp a écrit :
> I practice daily with videos.  I recently stumbled across a site by Leonardo Corleone.  By giving you a link to just one tune, you will go to a list that has 200 incredible songs.  My question is, Who the hell is Abbi Hübner? Here is one tune: (then you will see the rest)
> Abbi Hübner - Dippermouth Blues - YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEe0nDZoP_A&index=9&list=PLlis6k_iH8CdHe6mC6VHd1Zl55OQ1NsGd>
> Bill "pull-your-slide-you’re” Sharp
> By the way, a method I use to learn tunes is to  to drag 10  URL s ( like this song : Dippermouth) into an email, and mail it to myself.  Then every day I open the same email, click on a song, then  and listen and/or play along. Usually in  7-10 days, I know the 10 tunes.
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