[Dixielandjazz] profitable insider joke

ROBERT R. CALDER serapion at btinternet.com
Wed Jul 1 14:33:56 PDT 2015

I did like the thought that the trumpeter was delivering a copy of Harry James -- amusing footnotes ever welcome!
(a guitarist friend of mine used to tell his audience to watch his left hand, which didn't move as he delivered several pop-songs of the day on one chord) 
imitation can be the best way of demonstrating lack of uniqueness -- James's technique was not in doubt, or his heat when he was hot, but 
I hope Frank Beach was unable to match the obscene saccharinity of some non-jazz James,  which lie around some actual musical performances on CDs I bought for literally a few cents in Germany some time ago.  Some lovely Willie Smith on the musical numbers, but the Schmaltz items horrified me. 

of  course the MD of the JITTERBUGS film had composed "That's a Plenty"  long before it appeared in presumably his arrangement in this film. 
Oh, the blue rinsed virgins of Montana 
are so lonesome and prone to pine... 

Robert R. Calder 

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