[Dixielandjazz] Fw: a strathclyde stomper

ROBERT R. CALDER serapion at btinternet.com
Fri May 16 05:23:49 PDT 2014

Now we have single stomper syndrome, where there is mention of a band but no note of any more than one member -- if there was a regular pro band I'd imagine the worthy whose constituents include comprehensive knowledge of Scottish jazz, Ken Mathieson, would have known (thankin him for his mail).  I shall consult with a pioneering member of Strathclyde University staff, now an octogenarian in Nova Scotia. I suspect the band was of his colleagues of the 1960s.
Reminds me of a tv drama series about the revival of a rock band, but the thought of a trad band film with the same star makes the mind boggle. His screen name is Robbie Coltrane.  
I find it relaxing to give immediate attention to matters of very minor importance. 
A second stomper -- the search continues!

Robert Non-Coltrane

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