[Dixielandjazz] DJML Facebook Page

Gary Ross ross_gary at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 23 03:45:39 PST 2014

I signed up on Facebook and will add things as I like.... But I am staying here also. I enjoyed seeing the many pictures of groups however.  

Gary Ross
Redwood Dixie Gators
P S if I just could get the group to get rid of the gator!!!!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 23, 2014, at 2:04 AM, "Steve Voce" <stevevoce at virginmedia.com> wrote:
> I'm happy to stay where I am, too. But then we've all been through this before.
> Let's take it as read and let everyone do as he thinks best.
> Steve Voce
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 23 Jan 2014, at 08:44, Marek Boym <marekboym at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not I, thank you.
>> Cheers
>>> On 23 January 2014 06:41, <SargentDrums at aol.com> wrote:
>>> For years now, I  have wondered why this group has not moved to Facebook.
>>> It has everything that we could want for communications. It truly IS
>>> perfect for what happens here AND it eliminates all of the quirks that
>>> exist in
>>> the outmoded form of "Plain Text Only" email. Really, this IS a  clunker.
>>> Therefore, I have started a Facebook Group for us. It is called  the
>>> Dixieland Jazz Mailing List. (What else would it be called?) I labeled it
>>> that to
>>> make it easy for you guys to find it.
>>> I am not suggesting that you completely abandon this email deal, BUT, for
>>> those of you who want to make your lives easier and more fun AND share
>>> photos,  music, videos, your websites, your gigs AND keep commentaries
>>> straight,
>>> this is  the way to go!
>>> BTW, for some of you old "set in you ways" dudes, just know that Facebook
>>> is NOT just for kids. There are a ton of your peers on it, so don't treat
>>> it
>>> like your VCR that's still flashing 12:00. I guarantee you're going to
>>> like it .  . . AND, it's free!
>>> Here is the emails address for the  group:
>>> DixielandJazz at groups.facebook.com
>>> This is the web address for the  group:
>>> http://www.facebook.com/groups/DixielandJazz/
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -----
>>>> From the "Dixieland Jazz Mailing  List" Facebook Group:
>>> I created this page as a tool to move the outmoded  Dixieland Jazz Mailing
>>> List from a Plain Text only email vehicle to a current,  more productive,
>>> useful means of communicating in this century.
>>> Here we  can enjoy photos, video clips, website links, audios. Members can
>>> comment and  read comments without having to open individual emails to read
>>> a one-sentence  comment. There commentaries will be linked directly to the
>>> post to which they  are commenting.
>>> This will all be faster ...and more  efficient for everyone, all while
>>> taking advantage of all forms of media with  are directly connected to
>>> what we
>>> do in our performance - which is to provide  audible music and visual
>>> entertainment and the promotion of such.
>>> Bill  Sargent
>>> 414-305-6955
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>>> Dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com
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>> To unsubscribe or change your e-mail preferences for the Dixieland Jazz Mailing list, or to find the online archives, please visit:
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>> Dixielandjazz mailing list
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> To unsubscribe or change your e-mail preferences for the Dixieland Jazz Mailing list, or to find the online archives, please visit:
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