[Dixielandjazz] Louis and WAWW

Bert Brandsma mister_bertje at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 5 10:32:29 PST 2013

I think there is some mixing up in dates and tunes in this series of comments.
The story of Louis not being able to play the trumpet, doesn't belong to WAWW, but instead to the soundtrack belonging to the James Bond movie : On His Majesty's Secret Service.He sang : We Have All The Time Of The World , on that. Composer John Barry (Himself a trumpet player from origin) had hoped that Louis play, but it was not possible then, because of bad health.
This was recorded in 1969 and as far as I know is the last recording of Louis in London, and it might be his last outside the USA.
There exists a very moving interview with John Barry, where he describes that Louis did it just in 1 take. (We Have All The Time...)and afterwards came to Barry, thanking him for this great opportunity!
(The Flugelhorn part on the movie might have been played by Derek Watkins, who played trumpet on all James Bond movies, since 50 years now, starting at age 17!)
Kind regards,
Bert Brandsma

> From: robertjs at broadpark.no
> Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 14:44:38 +0100
> Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Louis and WAWW
> CC: dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com
> To: mister_bertje at hotmail.com
> Dear Gary,
> According to Willems, Louis played trumpet on his last recording 
> (1971-03-01) that was in the "Tonight Show" hosted by Johnny Carson.
> The recording hasn't been issued, but presumably the show was sent by NBC 
> TV.  WAWW is not on this recording.
> Willems also gives details of a film soundtrack (late October, 1970 in 
> London), also not issued,  where Louis sings WAWW, and also plays trumpet on 
> other tracks on this soundtrack, but it's not clear (to me, at any rate) 
> whether this soundtrack is recorded on this date, or is just a collection of 
> older film extracts.
> Kind Regards
> Bob Smith
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