[Dixielandjazz] FW: Paying The Piper

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Tue Jul 30 02:16:48 PDT 2013

Bert wrote:

>Even companies like ASCAP, who's duty it is to be there for the interest of
their composers have been caught on doubtable behaviour.

The Spanish version of ASCAP(SGAE)had it's own scandal about 2 yrs ago when
the director (who had been running the show for about 20 years) was caught
with his hand in the cookie jar.  He is still awaiting his court case for
fraud.  The Society, as it is called here, has been completely restructered.
This "Society" is for composers only.  

Royalties for performing & recording artists come from another company that
seems to be run well.  Big salaries & chaffeur driven cars for the high ups,
of course........ 


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