[Dixielandjazz] Songs

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 05:31:17 PDT 2013

When did you last hear "Swinging Seamus" played live?  Or "I love a
Lassie?" Or "The Old Rustic Bridge by the Mill," "Polly Wolly Doodle," "The
Soldier's Dream," "The Uist Tramping Song,""Scotland the Brave," "Black
Angus," "The Big Man," "Play to Me Gypsy," "Trombones to the Fore,"
"Taboo," or even "The Teddy Bear's Picnic?"  Or Verdi's "Il Trovatore?"
All those are on the Clyde Valley Stompers double CD on Lake.  As is
"Prelude in C Sharp Minor," and I, for one, cannot recall hearing it played
by a trad band.  "Teddy Bear's Picnic" turns up from time to time, but not
too often.
Unfortunately, trad bands stick to a stale repertoire, warhorses that have
been ridden to death.  I know, some of the trad audiences want to hear an
umpteenth + version of Royal Garden Blues, on which hardly a band can say
anything original (even if Wild Bill, Bud Freeman or Pee Wee Russell did
every time).  So OK, bands must play what the public wants, but surly some
listeners must be as bored by constant repetition of the same tunes as the
musicians are, even if they don't show it.
Sure, not all the numbers mentioned were equally successful, but neither
were all the standards.  If a 2:12" song sounds long, as one of the vocal
numbers on that album does, it cannot be called a success.  A 53 song
collection, recorded between 30 June 1956 and January 1961 must have its
ups and downs, but I was astonished by the first four tunes, recorded live,
none of which I had ever heard before!
Even some of the standards in that collection are not overplayed, for
example "Tres Moutarde" (two versions), "In a Persian Market" (can't think
of an American recording, even if I have more than one by Acker Bilk).  The
last song, "Auf Widerseh'n," may not be known to the American public, but
is a quite well know standard in Europe, having been among Papa
Bue'sgreatest hits.  A suitable number to end a record, as it means
like "good bye" in English.
Variety is the spice of life, so please, vary your programmes!

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