[Dixielandjazz] Dixielandjazz Digest, Vol 128, Issue 16

rahberry at comcast.net rahberry at comcast.net
Thu Aug 15 19:15:12 PDT 2013

I think there is a Sidney Bechet Society that lists all his songs. 
Perhaps if you google that..... 
-- Rae Ann 


----- Original Message -----
From: "William ♫Sharp" <A1tradtrmpt at att.net> 
To: rahberry at comcast.net 
Cc: "Dixieland Jazz Mailing List" <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com> 
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 4:51:17 PM 
Subject: Re: [Dixielandjazz] Dixielandjazz Digest, Vol 128, Issue 16 

As below, there's talk about the Berigan Book - -The book I'd like to lay my hands on, or at least get 20+ tunes is the "Sidney Bechet Book". ( I know there is no such thing, but there should be). There are Beiderbecke Bands. I want to form A Bechet band. 

Lots of bands play Petite Fleur, and Si Tu Vois La Mere, but his repertoire is more more vast than that. Where are those tunes? I have at last crossed paths with a soprano sax player with great tone and mature technique willing to venture into Bechet Land, but where o where do we start to find the songs? 

Ciao for now, 
Bill sharp 

Today's Topics: 

1. Bunny Berigan book (Bill Haesler) 
2. perhaps not 'Classic Jazz' (ROBERT R. CALDER) 
3. Bunny Berigan book. Take-2 (Bill Haesler) 
4. Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival--Ken Mathieson writes 
(Norman Vickers) 
5. Re: Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival--Ken Mathieson writes 
(Marek Boym) 
6. Re: Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival--Ken Mathieson writes 
(Marek Boym) 
7. Tank Town Bump (Bob Romans) 
8. Re: Tank Town Bump (Jim O'Briant) 
9. Re: 12th Street Rag (alevy at alevy.com) 

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