[Dixielandjazz] Hot (?) Jazz

Gary Lawrence Murphy garym at teledyn.com
Mon Aug 5 12:59:04 PDT 2013

Well ... I was banking on folks not actually going to SEE the movie,
only being reminded that the jazz-era (another strange fuzzy term)
existed.  I have noticed, for example, that the movie has made it very
easy to find 20's era costumes with just that keyword.  There was a
recent BBC series as well that focussed on the misadventures of a 20's
era jazz band.

it is all really just a marketing thing.  Dixieland expects a
different sort of early-jazz than if you billed yourself as a Fletcher
Henderson orchestra, and that different from say a hotel orchestra
sort of sweet jazz big band.  Even saying you're playing like Benny
Goodman can mean completely different things depending on whether
that's BG at age 19 or in his later years.

On 8/5/13, vaxtrpts at aol.com <vaxtrpts at aol.com> wrote:
>  Well, since I had the pleasure of leading the Dukes of Dixieland back in
> the mid 70's, I have never had a problem with the term "Dixieland."
> Must have been something right for that group, since they have been one of
> the biggest selling such bands in history and are still going strong, which
> also makes them one of the oldest continually running traditional bands
> ever.
> I personally do NOT like the term "hot" jazz.  How does that really
> differentiate the music from other forms of jazz??  Any form of jazz that
> you can mention has "hot" tunes, as well as laid back tunes, ballads, and
> many more types of arrangements.
>  Also - seeing that the new Gatsby movie has no real "jazz" music in it, I
> certainly don't see how using that description to current customers would
> let them know anything about the music that we play.
> Mike Vax
> Friends of Big Band Jazz, Prescott Jazz Summit,
> Stan Kenton Alumni Band
> www.mikevax.net
> www.bigbandjazz.net
> www.prescottjazz.com
> www.getzen.com
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*Teledyn Addendum: teledyn blogspot ca*
*eso: **EighthStreetOrchestra blogspot ca*

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