[Dixielandjazz] Fiona Duncan (was Nellie Lutcher 1956 Today Show)

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 15:33:06 PDT 2012

Fina Duncan isamong the best contemporary singers I've ever heard!
I heard her for the first time at the 1992 Edinbugh Jazz Fesival (not
sure about the year - might have been earlier), in some pretty fast
company (Bob Barnard, among others).  Fiona was not "the featured girl
singer" - she was "one of the boys," even though she sang words rather
than scatted,  wonderful diction and swing!


On 16 October 2012 00:13, Robert Ringwald <rsr at ringwald.com> wrote:
> Sometime in the mid to late 80s at the Los Angeles Classic Jazz Festival, or Los Angeles Sweet and Hot Festival, whatever it was called at the time, Feona Duncan, a wonderful singer from Scotland was appearing at the Festival. In a conversation with her, I found out that she idolized Nellie Lutcher.
> I knew Nellie so I called her on the telephone and told her about Feona. She was nice enough to come over and meet Feona. They had a nice time and Feona was beside herself to be able to meet one of her idols.
> Here is Nelly in 1956 on the Today Show.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm02YKi6rOc
> -Bob Ringwald
> www.ringwald.com
> Amateur (ham) Radio Operator K6YBV
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