[Dixielandjazz] wind instruments & eye surgery

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Sat Nov 10 02:41:00 PST 2012

Having recently read the emails on lead poisoning, I thought I might share
my latest medical experiences, as they are not heresay, but have actually
happened to me.  It may be informative to anyone else going in for the same
type of operation.
I had cataract surgery in both eyes in early September.  They do one eye,
then the other about 2 weeks later.  I opted to have lenses put in with my
glasses prescription which means I don't have to wear glasses any longer.
The special lenses is a cost above the welfare medicine we enjoy in Spain
(which is excellent, by the way!).
I was told not to play for about 4 days after each operation, due to the
pressure wind players have in the facial area when playing.  I did as told,
but nevertheless ended up with two different complications which have left
me not playing at all since September!  I've never had such a long break
since I began playing at 10 yrs of age! 
Firstly, the vidreo separated in one eye, and soon after that both eyes
became very blotchy with something called Irvine-Gass Syndrome.  Complete
rest (meaning no playing!), various shots going below the eyes and into the
eye balls (not nice!), gobs of medicine, and months of waiting for it to
cure...which I am assured will happen by itself, along with the medicine.
I did finally get about 90% of my sight back (I would say I was seeing with
about 30% vision when bad), but wehn the doctor started taking me off the
medicine, it all went bad again.  Will see the doc on Monday & suspect she
will get me back on the medicine.
As many on djml are probably around my age (71) and have had or could have
cataract problems, I'm putting this on the list not for sympathy
paricularly, rather so others might want to take a longer rest than 4 days
after the operation.  I'm not sure that my playing had anything to do with
the complications, as both complications I have had are quite common.
Nevertheless, I would suggest taking a longer break (*).
We've got a sub for me in the band, but I really hate missing all the gigs
we've had, plus it is a loss of income, also!
(*)  I found a discussion of not playing after eye operations on a tuba
website, and most were suggested by the doctor to a 4 day break as I was.
However, most also said they took a longer break.  
Just a word to the wise.

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