[Dixielandjazz] Out My Window

Tony Davis tony at tony-davis.co.uk
Tue Jun 12 06:46:18 PDT 2012

Thank you, Rae Ann; that's made my day.  So many memories evoked by your 
views of San Francisco, and an immaculate music track too!  I fell in 
love with Katie Cavera (musically speaking, of course :) ) at Sun Valley 
last fall.

Best wishes,


On 11/06/12 19:07, rahberry at comcast.net wrote:
> Good morning, Listers!
> Here's a little something from me and my town.
> The music is the best part: Ray Skjelbred, Clint Baker, and Katie
> Cavera, et al....
> -- Rae Ann

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