[Dixielandjazz] FW: FW: Old, but new!

Phil Wilking arnold.wilking at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 13 05:36:08 PST 2012

I read a story once about Lord Olivier (probably only a legend, but it shows 
how the true professional conducts himself):

One night, the play he was in had only one person in the audience (bad 
weather - who knows why?) up in the low price seats British theatres have 
for students.
Another actor expressed the desire to not bother performing and Lord Olivier 
said "He paid for his seat and we owe him a performance," and the show went 

Phil Wilking - K5MZF

Those who would exchange freedom for
security deserve neither freedom nor security.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Jim Kashishian

That's why I wrote what I wrote in an earlier post, you've got to figure the
most important person in the world is out there listening everytime you get
on the stage.  YOU were that most important person that night, and the band
spoiled it for you. 

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