[Dixielandjazz] King Fisher

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 16:00:40 PDT 2011

Freddie Fisher is indeed mentioned in the liner notes.

> There's a "blast from the  past." I worked with King's dad and King in
> Aspen,  Colorado over the winter of '59-'60 - King on Cornet, Freddie Fisher
> on clar and bass sax, Walt Smith, piano and myself of valve trombone. No
> drums or bass except for various sit ins. Made a 10" LP with this band, plus
> an added  drummer from Smokey Stover's band and my dad, Red Ingle, on bass
> sax, plus the regulars.
> King at the tme was very much into Bix. He left the US and became an ex-pat
> in OZ a year later.
> It was a fun band, and Freddie was a wildman that was always fun to play
> with. Our favorite song with the "Ski Bum" crowd was "Horsey Keep Your Tail
> Up."
> Nice to be reminded.
> Don Ingle

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