[Dixielandjazz] the sounds of singers...

Mick Potter pottermick at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 17:02:01 PST 2011

Sorry if this offends anyone, but it's one of my favourites.
The story is along the lines of "How many ......'s does it take to change a
light globe?"

Q. How many Chick Singers does it take to sing Summertime?
A. Apparently all of them.

Think about it.

Mick Potter.

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Bill Haesler <bhaesler at bigpond.net.au>wrote:

> Judi K wrote:
> > How come so many young women, girls and singers shape their vowels so
> > splatty and pancake-flat these days? I'm so sick of the cookie cutter
> > whining.  You NEVER heard the great artists of "yesterday" do that
> > nonsense.  Their diction was always rounded and clear.   I don't think
> > anyone these days knows the meaning of the lyrics to any pretty song.
>  The
> > constipated squeezing of their voices force a fake emotion... to those
> > singers... please stay away from the beatiful old standards.
> > Now, this probably doesn't make a bit of sense to anyone in this list,
> but I
> > just had to say it.  Once that sound starts invading classic jazz in any
> > way,  I just might as well go C & W.
> Dear Judi,
> At last.
> Someone has finally spoken up.
> And wonderfully stated.
> My reaction is to immediately turn them off or leave the room.
> *>)
> Very kind regards,
> Bill.
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Mick Potter
255 Poath Rd
Murrumbeena Vic 3163

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