[Dixielandjazz] the sounds of singers...

Judi K heartsjazz at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 08:37:41 PST 2011

How come so many young women, girls and singers shape their vowels so
splatty and pancake-flat these days? I'm so sick of the cookie cutter
whining.  You NEVER heard the great artists of "yesterday" do that
nonsense.  Their diction was always rounded and clear.   I don't think
anyone these days knows the meaning of the lyrics to any pretty song.  The
constipated squeezing of their voices force a fake emotion... to those
singers... please stay away from the beatiful old standards.
Now, this probably doesn't make a bit of sense to anyone in this list, but I
just had to say it.  Once that sound starts invading classic jazz in any
way,  I just might as well go C & W.

*Judi K  ♪  ♫  ♪ ♫*
*wwwjudikjazz.com* <http://wwwjudikjazz.com/>
you-tube channel  *Judikbelle*
check it out and click  "like"....

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