[Dixielandjazz] Jazz in Salt Lake City

Stephen G Barbone barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 3 18:06:51 PDT 2011

Jerry Gordon asked about jazz in Salt Lake City. Sure there is plenty  
of Dixieland there. See below excerpt from an article in the Salt Lake  
City paper earlier this year. Look around when you get there Jerry.  
You're sure to find some of that excellent "Dutch Old Style  
Dixieland". Where:  'The The tempo is often played in 4/4 time giving  
the bass or tuba the 1st and 3rd beat of the measure and other  
instruments picking up the 2nd and 4th  beat, giving it the know for  
two beat style rhythm.'

I guess the washboard plays on 2 and 4 with the little saxophone. <grin>


Steve Barbone


EXCERPT.  (from an article about Preservation Hall appearing in Salt  
Lake City in January 2011)

"If you are in need to start the New Year off with some Classic  
Dixieland jazz, the Sheraton is the place for you. Dixieland music is  
known for Classic Jazz or Traditional Jazz. This jazz style was  
originated from New Orleans, Louisiana and began in the 20th century  
and picked up popularity in Chicago, Kansas City, New York City and  
over to the Midwest to California around the 1910s to the early 1920s.  
The four main styles of the art are Chicago Style, West Coast revival,  
New Orleans Traditional and Dutch ‘Old Style Jazz’."

"This jazz style features the wind instruments of trumpet-cornet,  
clarinet, trombone and a little saxophone. The banjo, piano, drums,  
string bass or tuba instruments were used to carry the rhythm section.  
The tempo is often played in 4/4 time giving the bass or tuba the 1st  
and 3rd beat of the measure and other instruments picking up the 2nd  
and 4th  beat, giving it the know for two beat style rhythm. This  
rhythm is familiar with the known songs even to non-jazz fans of “When  
the Saints Go Marching In” and “Basin Street Blues”."

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