[Dixielandjazz] tuba vs upright bass

WILLIAM SHARP sharp-b at clearwire.net
Mon Sep 27 11:00:06 PDT 2010

 - -I'm wondering- -why would you even bother to ask anyone ( except perhaps your band leader which one you should use.)   I feel it's kind of like me buying a straw and asking others, "Should I drink water, or milkshakes with it?"  Notice that all responses have been about what has been done in the past, and not what YOU want to do with it today and tomorrow.  That's all that matters.  This is completely up to you and your group , depending on what sound you guys want to create. Sounds like you need a lot of experience yet - -been to any trad festivals yet, where you'll see both types being used?

( I love the "eeny-meeny-miney moe" response of L-Walton)

Otherwise, you're liable to hear from guys who might just tell you to,.. " Burn the upright baby.. It just don't belong".  Or: " Brass is worth a lot these days.  Melt down the tuba and get what you can for junk".    Do you see what I'm trying to say here?  You make those decisions .   But if you really want to be maximum "cool" , then learn ( as Edgerton bemoaned that you didn't mention) to play the bass sax.  It's the only way you'll ever get ahead. Then you can get rid of both the tuba and the upright.  (see how absurd my response and all the others are in telling you what to do?)  The most fortunate thing is that you have gigs.  You shouldn't be asking us which instrument to use any more than which shirt to wear.   (  However, you must absolutely wear a straw hat for every dixie gig    - --because I said so).

Hey better yet, take both instruments to the gig and switch back and forth until you get a real feel for what works  (as per Buddy Apfel).

Enjoy the gigs, and 
B. Sharp

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